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Unexpected wisdom: A St. Louis TSA agent’s words echo a timeless Jewish lesson


A fundamental concept in Judaism states that God is always sending us messages. However, it’s up to us to adjust our dials (think old school transistor radios) to hone in on the frequency to be able to hear those messages.

Recently, I received a very powerful message via a Muslim TSA agent at the St. Louis airport. It was a message I knew well but its source and timing shook me to the core.

I entered the security zone through the CLEAR entry to have my eyes scanned and showed the TSA agent at the booth my boarding pass. As he waived me through towards the X-ray machines, he grabbed my shoulder, leaned into me and gently, but firmly, said into my ear, “Before I let you go, you must promise me something.”

“What?” I replied.

“You must promise me that you will win this war and destroy every single one of them.”

I was a bit taken aback hearing such words from a total stranger and a Muslim no less. (He wasn’t one of the regular TSA staff at this check point with whom I’m on first name basis due to my frequent travelling. In fact, I had never seen him before.). I responded, “Sir that’s up to God, not me.”

His response left me speechless. He said something that every Torah observant believing Jew knows, but sometimes may not always put into action. He said, “You are incorrect. Allah always protects the Jews when they follow the commandments of the Torah. If you Jews do your part, serve Allah and be kind to one another, He will do His and you will win this war.”

The timing of His/his (Hashem/TSA agent) message could not have been better. We are just a few days away from Tisha B’Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. A day that resulted from our rebellion against God and the Torah he gave us, and the baseless hatred we exhibited towards our fellow Jews. It’s been 2000 years of exile. An exile that has seen more Jewish blood spilled, torture pain and suffering than we can comprehend.

Our Sages teach that any generation in which the temple has not been rebuilt, had it stood in that generation, it would have been destroyed. My new Muslim friend was reminding me, and all of us, that the key to winning this war and defeating our enemies around the world and ending this exile is to strengthen our relationship with Hashem and with one another. Our effort in these areas is not “all or nothing.”

None of us are perfect. But this isn’t about perfection. It’s about striving to become better. It’s about taking steps, yes even baby steps, to deepen our relationship with Hashem, His Torah and our fellow Jews, our brothers and sisters. Thereby, strengthening our Jewish identity and connection to Israel. It’s not rocket science. In fact, it’s pretty simple.

As we travel through these 9 Days towards Tisha B’Av, let us take to heart the lesson of which my new friend reminded us and understand that the key to redemption is in our hands. We just need to be willing to put forth the effort to open the door. May Hashem hear our prayers, see our tears and most importantly see our ACTIONS as we work to come close to Him and one another. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the 3rd Bais HaMikdosh, may it be rebuilt soon.

Rabbi Rovinsky holds two Rabbinic ordinations, a Bachelor’s and Masters degree in Talmudic Law from Ner Israel, a Master’s in Administrative Sciences from Johns Hopkins University, and a Masters in Education from UMSL and is a licensed clinical therapist. (Bill Motchan)




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